Saturday, May 30, 2015

Love Me Some Scrabble

One of my favorite games is scrabble. I love using my mind when playing games. V is not such a big fan of it, but if I ask nicely he'll say yes to playing a round with me.

Another reason I love having scrabble is because it's great to use the letters for pictures! You can spell anything with them! A couple of weeks ago we celebrated being together for 2,5 years and I just had to take some cheesy, loving pictures. I love how they turned out!

My Grandmas Old Night Stand

I love my grandmas old night stand. Her old night stand is my favorite piece of furniture in our apartment. I love the fact that her parents gave it to her, and she gave it to me.

This piece was originally turwuoise/blue, but my dad painted it for me. My grandma also told me that there used to ge a marble counter top on it, but it broke off way before she gave it to me. I remember my grandma using this as a night stand since I was a little girl. Even though I don't use it as a night stand, I think it's just as beautiful in our kitchen. It's where I put beautiful flowers, or my favorite pieces of interior. I love this little corner.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Our Living Room

I usually post pictures of our interior, not a whole room or our furniture, so I thought it would be nice to show you how our full living room looks! I ove this decoration fire place that we bought as Rusta. Gives us that cozy feeling of having a fire place, even though we don't! And I also love the pillows we have in our sofa now. I love blue, gives me a calm and peacefull state of mind.

Friday, May 22, 2015


Another favorite flower of mine is carnations. They are cheap, they last at least two weeks and they look really great!I love placing carnations in my äng vase that I got for my birthday back in March. I feel like the flowers and vase complement each other and the result is stunning! Just check out these pictures.

It's All In The Details

Our bedroom is hard to decorate. It's a big room with a lot of floor room, but that's it. I do wish we could fit my pc in there, but there's no space. I have been trying to figure out how to style these two drawers. I have been going back and forth between showing off my jewelry but I always end up putting this jar back in the drawer. I want to keep it simple but beautiful.

Speaking of beautiful! Did you notice our beautiful brass mirror? A friend of V inherited it from a family member but he didn't want it. I asked if I could have it and he said yes. I absolutely love it, and it gives our bedroom that special and beautiful touch.