Friday, July 25, 2014

This Weekends Lillies

A sneak peak of this weekends lillies. I can't wait to see the color of them. I get so excitied buying new flowers, I find all of the flowers I look at so, so beautiful. I ended up buying lillies, once again. Can't help it. I think they're so beautiful!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Yesterdays Beautiful Sunset, July 23rd 2014

Summer Trip: Corfu, Greece

We just got back from spending a week at the Greek island Corfu! We went with four friends, and we had a lot of fun! We rented scooters so we got to see alot of the island.

This was my 3rd time visiting Greece and if you haven't been; go! It's such a beautiful place. I've told V this a couple of times, and I am serious, I would love to live there for a year or two. Get to know the culture and history. Get to know the people.

Here are some of the beautiful places we saw: